God allows a crisis to get our attention, and then he uses the crisis to develop our character. One thing that signals we're changing is when we confess that we are the problem. We stop blaming other people and we admit, "I am the problem with my life." Until you understand this, there can be no major change in your life. This is the breakthrough God knows we need...............................................
Here's the insight into this: We will never be able to change until we openly and honestly and authentically admit our sin, our weakness, our fault, our frailty, our character defects, confessing this to ourselves, to God, and to other people.
What do you need to admit about yourself?
God's Rescue Often Takes Time
When God allows a crisis into your life, He doesn't solve it immediately. He lets it go on for a while because he wants to see if you're really serious about seeking him. If God answered your prayers immediately, you'd begin to think God was a big vending machine: put in a prayer, pull out whatever you need.
If you're in a crisis right now, hang in there! Don't give up. The problems you have in your life didn't get those overnight. You may have worked years getting yourself into this mess. You have a lot of ingrained patterns, bad responses, wrong habits, and wrong ways of responding that have built up over the years. So God won't remove those all at once. It's like peeling an onion. He takes off one layer at a time.
Notes from Church today:
Rise Up! Don't Waste Your Life:
The Challenge of a Challenge:
1. Issue of Timing (God makes us in a Wait Mode)
2. Issue of Trust (Where is God? In God's goodness & his timing)
3. Promise of Comfort (In the midst of our pain, we are more teachable in pain )
4. Promise of Redemption (Re-dem= to make up for; off set; to amends for)
Roman 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God (applies to Christ followers only) and we called according to His purpose for them.
You Pray, You Wait, God will Redeem You!!