Wednesday, August 23, 2006

徐悲鴻 (1895-1953)

徐悲鴻是現代中國傑出的畫家及藝術教育家。他出身畫家家庭,曾被康有為譽為畫壇奇才, 除了中國水墨畫之外,它的油畫,素描,書法皆十分出色,而徐悲鴻筆墨淋漓,其筆下的 駿馬,尤其受到人們的讚賞與鐘愛.

朱德群 (Zhu Dequn, B 1920) -- 垂直 (1993)

朱德群出生於1920年江蘇徐州,1935年進入杭州藝專,當時之校長林風眠(1900-1991)為 藝專網羅了極多曾留學過法國的人才, ... 當時杭州藝專繪畫系的學生,中西畫並修,朱 德群也因此得以於這個時期同時接受中西繪畫理論與技巧;於西畫方面影響朱德群最深的 ...

吳大羽 (1903-1988)


林風眠 (Lin Fengmian, 1900-1991); 作品《荷塘》

常玉 (Sanyu, 1901-1966) 1950年作《四裸女》HK$17,340,000

常玉 (Sanyu, 1901-1966)-- 花中君子 HK$28,120,000

2006年4月8日的香港苏富比中国当代艺术品专场也连创纪录, 其中常玉绘于上世纪40年代的作品《花中君子》原估价为500万至700万港元,被一位亚洲私人收藏家以2812万港元成交价竞得!!

方力鈞 (1963--)


劉野--溫柔的殺我 Killing me softly

劉野, 1964年生于北京。 1986年考入中央美術學院壁畫系。 1990年考入柏林藝術 學院造型藝術系,師從Volker Stelzmann.


陳大羽(1912-2002)廣東潮陽人 。原名漢卿,後易名翱,取字大羽,遂以字行。
1935年畢業於上海美術專科學校中國畫系 。1946年拜師齊白石 。1948年任上海美專國畫系寫意花鳥畫講師 。1950年任上海美專副教授 。1958年調任南京藝術學院美術系教授。曾任中國美術家協會常務理事、江蘇省美術家協會、書法家協會副主席 。現任中國美術家協會會員,中國書法家協會會員,南京藝術學院美術系名譽主任 。長期從事中國畫藝術教育 。
擅長大寫意花鳥、書法和篆刻 。曾從姚世影、馬公愚、諸樂三諸師學藝 。書法以篆書、行草見長,中國畫《並蒂呈祥》入選第六屆全國美展 。書法篆刻作品曾參加第一、二、三、四屆書法篆刻展 。1980年在江蘇美術館舉辦個人作品展,1981年在上海美術館舉辦個人作品展 。1948年出版《陳大羽畫集》,1982年出版《大羽畫選》,1988年在日本出版《陳大羽作品集》。

Monday, August 21, 2006

"The Dream" (1932) is perhaps the best known portrait of Picasso's mistress, Marie-Therese.

You must have noticed that the girl was painted to have six fingers. Picasso (1882-1973) did it on purpose, instead of inadvertently. Because Picasso often adopted "the beauty of asymmetry" during his creation process, which made his works full of interest and information.

Many experts say that Picasso and Marie are integrated in this painting, in "dream". In other words, Picasso is also in this painting. Have you found him out? :)
Well, the answer is -- red chair and the hand in different color form an image of Picasso. Amazing painting & smart painter, right?

Last Painting of Van Gogh

"My own work, I am risking my life for it." by Van Gogh

Gachet, Dr Paul

"I am still far from being what I want to be, but with God's help I shall succeed."
by Van Gogh

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Con't w/ Van Gogh's story---Sun Flowers..

"I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." by Van Gogh

What's so unpleasant about being drunk? You ask a glass of water!!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Celebration!!....It's a Girl!! A Star is Born!!!

醉 眼 看 蒼 生 冷 暖!

Two Hearts... that Beat as One...

Starry Night(1889) by Vincent Van Gogh

Starry, starry night.Paint your palette blue and grey,Look out on a summer's day,With eyes that know the darkness in my soul.Shadows on the hills,Sketch the trees and the daffodils,Catch the breeze and the winter chills,In colors on the snowy linen land.
by Don McLean

Vincent Van Gogh's Chair, 1888

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Watch out for the flying frogs....

If you're in the mood for something unconventional...